Musical, Mountain Dew & Bridal Shower
Time is just passing me by and I am doing my best to cherish every moment. I have been really busy lately, and our musical is coming up next week.. I sometimes have to remind myself to stop the moment to breath and enjoy it.
On Saturday April 22 I went with Kaitlyn to Walmart where we picked up some essentials for prom. We then went to school to paint sets for the musical. We saw a mouse running across the lunch room! Ryan threw a broom at it but it got away so Meredith, Claire's friend, ran after it and let it outside. We also sprayed a very toxic glue on a styrofoam board to create a brick wall.. we had to work fast and run out of the audeteria (cafeteria + auditorium) not to inhale the glue. Later that day I went with Luke and his family to watch his sister take prom pictures and went to Pint N' Slice.
Sunday after church, I went to Christina's (Amanda's sister) bridal shower. She is getting married soon! They had traveling as their theme and it was so cute.. I will remember that for the future. We played games, ate, talked and watched her open gifts. When I got home, Ryan and I went biking on the tandem bike. We followed a nature trail and ended up in a really beautiful neighborhood, you could almost think we were in a different dimension. However we did not know how to get home so we rode bike in the middle of a road construction.. when I got home, I went to a fancy dinner with the girls in the family. The food was mediocre but they had a magician that came and did tricks for us! That was a really cool experience!

On Monday April 24th I had to stay after school and practice singing for the musical. Later that night I went to Campus Life and we did a Mountain Dew flippie cup challenge! Ryan, Kaitlyn, Addie (Zechariah's girlfriend) and Katie (Kaitlyn's friend) were all on a team. We won our first game, but sadly it was just a test round.. than we lost to the winners, which obviously was Zechariah's team. He does not take any L's!
On Tuesday April 25th, it was 25°C and sunny when school was over. Ally and I went on a road trip to Pokagon state park, where she had to take a picture for a school project. Since the weather was so nice, we put on shorts and went into the lake.. and it was warm! Like, the temperature that water gets in the summer in Sweden. It was so fun and relaxing, if I only did not have play practice and could have stayed longer..