I Contacted My High School
Hi again!
I have got so much going on before graduation.. I have a test tomorrow, and I have 3 assignments for Friday. Gulp! Not to mention that I am planning my school's graduation party as well as making a movie for that pupose.. Yet all in my head is my exchange year.
I decided to message the school counselor at New Haven High School. By accident called her "mr.", because I did not notice that Maureen is a name of a woman. Great first impression? Not so much.
She replied saying that she is looking forward to having me come to her school. She asked me what sports I play and that I will need to get a physical once I arrive in the US. They encourage their exchange students to get involved in some way, either sports, student council, or other extra-curricular activity. She told me about their Drama Club, and they do musicals every year! I want to be a part of that experience sooo badly! I will be required to take US History and English 11. All other classes will be my choice. Unfortunately they do not have German, so I will not be taking any German classes next year.
Turns out they do have one other exchange student for next year, not from Sweden though. I am happy I will have someone else close going through the same experience.
There is a separate fee for books, but it is hard to know the amount as it depends on the classes I will take. I hope it will not be too expensive!

"Don't expect it to be like High School Musical", they said. "Oops", I said. (JK)