This weekend
This weekend has been great! Kicked off with an awesome football game and some good night's sleep. When I woke up Saturday morning I facetimed my family and then I was out and about. Together with students from my old US History class I went to different sights around our area, that has some historical meaning. I also got to try cake pops from Starbucks and I love them!
When I was dropped off by my house I made some Swedish pancakes for lunch, and skyped my friends back home! It was so nice to see everyone's faces.
When Sarah came home we decided to have a girls night! She is going to move out so soon.. *cry cry*. We went to a redbox to rent a movie. We were actually going to rent "A Cinderella Story - If the Shoe Fits", but they did not have it anywhere! So instead we chose to watch "Batman vs. Superman", which ended up being 3 hours long and quite confusing because.. *confession* - I have never seen Batman or Superman! I did not know that Superman was an ailien! However, we did get some snacks too! Chocolate chip cookies and Taco Bell! I ordered a soft taco with beef and a snack chicken chipotle griller. I also tried their cinnabun balls (??) I can not remember the name of them! But well - we had a great time. And great food.
This Sunday, we had a celebration service at church! Every guest brought a breakfast item to share, and we also got cupcakes! I ate so much.. Which might not have been too smart because afterwards Bianca, her mom and I drove to Fort Wayne and ate Mexican food! Real Mexican food! It was my first time. I really did enjoy it but I could not finish my second one so I had to bring it back home. Bianca bought some Mexican candies at "George's International Market" - which by the way did not have any Scandinavian snacks - but I am still very unsure about my opinion of the Mexican candy.
Bianca and I went home to change (or well, she did, I did not - stupid of me) and drove over to the New Haven library where we met our friend Austin (who I met through psychology). We were supposed to play Pokemon Go but I could not get on the app so I just walked around. We saw the weirdest thing - a woman on a "treadmill bike"!! We walked over to a local ice-cream stuff, and this is where things get funny.. I did not have any money with me, nor did Bianca.. so Austin offered to buy us some. But obviously he realizes once he gets his ice-cream that his wallet is in his car, which is still parked by the library - apprximately 10 minutes away! I start to laugh - unsure wheter it is all really funny or scary. I was hoping that we could just work for the ice-cream shop but no, Austin ran back to his car with his ice-cream (the thought of it makes me laugh) while Bianca and I stood there in an attempt to prove that we were not trying to commit a crime. The ice-cream-lady actually let us both order ice-cream while he was gone.. which we both felt kind of bad about since we could not guarantee that he would actually return. But he did, I got a great laugh from it (which my friends back in Sweden know can be pretty unique).
After going back home for an hour it was time for youth group - momentum! I have made so many great friends trough our weekly gatherings so I just want to encourage all exchange students to go to a youth group, no matter what your religious beliefs are. We played egg roulette, two truths and a lie, volleyball, ate pizza and cupcakes, talked to one another and shared ideas of upcoming events.
After youth group I went with some new friends to Pizza Hut where we just sat and talked for a while. We were acually waiting for our pastor but he never showed up. I got to try some bread sticks though and they were pretty awesome!